elderly couple

Commitment to Healthy Aging

Age-Friendly Kansas

As the demographics of our population continue to shift, Kansas has the opportunity to elevate healthy aging as a core public health function. Age-Friendly Kansas is a new statewide initiative designed to unite aging and public health professionals to identify and embed healthy aging practices and age-friendly principles throughout Kansas communities, systems and sectors to improve the health and well-being of aging Kansans.  





Age Friendly Kansas logo


KHI is facilitating two groups for this initiative: a State Agency Steering Committee and an Advisory Committee composed of aging and public health professionals. Both groups will meet regularly to develop a statewide Age-Friendly Kansas Action Plan, with work expected to be completed by March 2026.

Age Friendly Kansas graphic

Our Partners in this Work

Age-Friendly Kansas Advisory Committee Meetings

Materials discussed during each Age-Friendly Kansas (AFK) meeting will be documented or linked in the corresponding meeting minutes.

Photo of happy seniors.

Join the Movement

Age-Friendly Kansas is committed to its proactive approach to serving an older population.

If you would like more information about the Age-Friendly Kansas Initiative or to get involved, please contact Emma Uridge, M.P.H.

Contact Emma

Age-Friendly Kansas Resources